Par--Kut guard booth SN 18-011 is one of two standard welded steel guard booths with a hazardous location electrical system. The customer's needed these security booths, also known as guard houses or guard buildings for checking shipping manifests and to provide safe haven for workers as they are located in a classified area within an oil and petroleum handling facility.

The major terminal in the Houston, Texas area primarily transports, stores and distributes petroleum products and services most of the major petroleum and chemical companies. The security booths measure 4' x 6'6" and include heat and light and wiring contained within rigid conduit per NEC requirements for Hazardous Classified areas.

Guard Booth 18-011
Prefab Guard Booth 18-011

The Par-Kut guard booth 18-011 is one of Par-Kut guard booth industrial applications. The security booth, also known as an industrial booth, control booth, security building, guard building, or guard house is prefabricated , portable and pre-assembled with 100% welded steel construction in the Par-Kut factory.